I had a much harder time than I should have setting up an external hard drive enclosure.
Macally enclosure
First I had problems getting the Macally enclosure opened and then closed. The opening problem was mostly my fault. On close it is easy to mistake whether you are putting it on backwards. The enclosure gets less than a quarter-inch from closed and then stops. It makes it seem like the reason it is not closing is that you have misjudged the alignment or need to jiggle it.
Once I had everything set up I had trouble connecting the drive. There were colored indicator lights but no explanation as to their meaning.
I called Macally for help during the problems and was happy with their support. Here's the meaning of the lights: "If you are only getting a red light, this mean two things; either the hard drive is defective or there is not enough power going from the power brick."
Seagate jumpers
The sticker showing how to set the jumpers is on the hard drive but is facing the opposite direction from the jumpers. This makes it confusing to set the jumpers correctly.
I also had some problems making sure the cables were all the way in.
I'd say the problems were 70% me. But it would have been easier if
- Seagate reversed the sticker
- Macally had some FAQ saying the meaning of their indicator lights
- Macally had designed the enclosure so the way parts came together was obvious.
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