Even when only having textedit running I noticed computer hot and fan running. Turning off wireless fixed this.
Not to say that it isn't a problem but you can go wired if you are getting annoyed by the heat.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Going wireless makes my Powerbook hot
Posted by Geef at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Apple
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Mac backup software reviews
I was needing to backup my computer and these are my quick notes on the different solutions
- Carbon copy cloner (donation-ware)- . It only works for people with administrator privilege. can't be canceled. folder selection method makes sense in terms of common actions but is non-intuitive. It doesn't remember your selections. Support is supposed to be very good.
- rsyncx- I could not install
- rsyncbackup- just a script
- synk (Full use for thirty days)- This has a nice looking interface. One useful feature is that it shows how many files were moved. One annoying part of the process was that adding folders to be copied had to be done one at a time.
- sync pro x (Full use for 7 days, $99)- The software seems nice. It would be useful if I needed to do syncing. Here's a useful review.
- superduper! (crippleware, $28)- This software had good reviews including on Macworld but not many downloads. It was recommended to me by a friend as doing the best job of preserving metadata. Unfortunately it's crippleware.
- The only method of copying it will let you do is to completely erase everything and then copy. Being made to delete my data is wrong.
- It's not possible to see how well it does at doing a differential backup especially in terms ofspeed.
- The available functionality is less then I'd get doing a drag using the finder.
- I emailled these concerns to the developer points to the developer. Here's his response: "A single folder is a single folder, and can be dragged and dropped. We're more useful when you have a more complicate situation..."
Posted by Geef at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: Apple
Problems setting up an external hard drive- Seagate hard drive and Macally enclosure
I had a much harder time than I should have setting up an external hard drive enclosure.
Macally enclosure
First I had problems getting the Macally enclosure opened and then closed. The opening problem was mostly my fault. On close it is easy to mistake whether you are putting it on backwards. The enclosure gets less than a quarter-inch from closed and then stops. It makes it seem like the reason it is not closing is that you have misjudged the alignment or need to jiggle it.
Once I had everything set up I had trouble connecting the drive. There were colored indicator lights but no explanation as to their meaning.
I called Macally for help during the problems and was happy with their support. Here's the meaning of the lights: "If you are only getting a red light, this mean two things; either the hard drive is defective or there is not enough power going from the power brick."
Seagate jumpers
The sticker showing how to set the jumpers is on the hard drive but is facing the opposite direction from the jumpers. This makes it confusing to set the jumpers correctly.
I also had some problems making sure the cables were all the way in.
I'd say the problems were 70% me. But it would have been easier if
- Seagate reversed the sticker
- Macally had some FAQ saying the meaning of their indicator lights
- Macally had designed the enclosure so the way parts came together was obvious.
Posted by Geef at 6:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Music upload sites
Numly.com- Maybe I've been trying to force a round peg into a square hole. This site must really only be meant for the original user. It's not geared to having other people be able to access. Which is a bit wierd because the purpose should be that other people can see that something was done by you.
The portal page links well to text files created with docly. But for other files the links have to be hosted by you. So all this provides is a little extra assurance.
The developer is very responsive but the site has a long way to go in terms of usability. Songs have to be uploaded twice. Unchanging information needs to be added manually every time.
Garageband.com- The interface is very confusing. I found myself on the podcast upload page and then couldn't figure out how I got there (switch to the Tab "My music"). It's a hell of a lot of work to add a song which is why I'm switching to their podcast feature. But now I lose ratings and comments.
Youtube- They are now for musicians but they don't except mp3s. Maybe when I have some videos.
Posted by Geef at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Product comparison, publishing
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Path Finder 4- Not enough reason to switch
It seems a little quicker for launching applications vs. launching from the application folder in dock. It's nice that you can copy text out of a document in preview mode.
Path Finder seems better than the Finder but not worth paying for or having to deal with using it as well as the Finder. I think I need to use it more to evaluate.
Bugs/Missing features
It can't undo file moves or renames. Not really sure what it can undo.
Posted by Geef at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: software
Monday, February 13, 2006
Mac security
Clamxav and Henwen
I looked into some mac software today. I downloaded Snort which monitors network traffic and Henwen which is a graphical interface to Snort. I also got Clamxav which is a virus checker. Clamxav takes a long time and has no pause button. I haven't detected anything so far.
I tried to find a good log viewer for a while. I had forgotten about Console. I do think they could have named Console to have log in the title. Console is a bit short on features.
I made some edits to my hosts file to block some time-wasting sites. There is evidently some synchronization problems with this. If you visit a site, block it in hosts file, close browser and reopen access will still be allowed. Clearing caches doesn't affect this. I guess this is not done by the browser but by some backend DNS service.
Common Criteria
I also installed the Common Criteria stuff from Apple. There isn't much documentation but it seems that all this does is install the Audit Log Viewer.
Give some basic info from log files. I didn't find it useful.
Posted by Geef at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: Apple
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Neooffice, Openoffice x11, and Abiword
I was annoyed by Neoffice's slowness so I took a quick look at the alternatives. Openoffice X11 had a very bad looking interface but even worse the font look jagged and distracting. It was faster.
Abiword has trouble with my document- letters are cutoff. There isn't much in the way of navigation besides a Table of Contents. I might be able to make it work if I saved as Rich Text. Very snappy performance.
Posted by Geef at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Apple, Product comparison
T-amp vs. Panasonic reciever
If I were doing it again I'd get the t-amp. Now I'm not quite sure what I'll do with the Pansonic.
Posted by Geef at 12:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: Product comparison
Panasonic sa-he100 amplifier- using with power strip causes overloar
Occasionally the amp was shutting off with an overloaded message. I would have thought that this would mean it was getting too much audio input. In reality it got better when I plugged the electricity directly into the wall.
Posted by Geef at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: Buggy
Friday, February 03, 2006
Audio recording problems tonight
From the Behringer mixer there is a lot of hiss. If I have any of these above the middle I get it: Gain, level 1, and main mix. I have all the other inputs down.
These results occur whether or not the mic is on or even plugged in. It also does not matter whether I listen through headphone jack or main out.
I wasn't able to use Audacity's monitor function but then suddenly it started working. It may be that you have to start a new project or track.
It wasn't until I started recording that I had these systemuiserver problems.
Posted by Geef at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Wrong directions
Posted by Geef at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Unable to record this evening
I refused to accept the first guy's answer that it was a microphone problem- (Sound could be seen in monitor waveforms and heard in the headphone monitors!).
I talked to a second guy and we did a lot of reboots and cord changes but no preference or system changes and eventually it worked. So neither of knows anything more about what caused it.
Posted by Geef at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Performancing blog extension and keeping blogs synced
I'm finding Performancing easier to use than Blogger due to keeping posts persistent (not having to Publish or save as draft) and having a convenient history. Unfortunately editing the same post with both causes many extra line breaks.
I'm going to use this space for edits to other posts until I figure out what I'm going to do.
Garageband advantage- Because it exports to iTunes it has a syncing advantage.
Posted by Geef at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Garageband vs. Audacity
Garageband's real-time filters can be a lot of fun but I'm starting to find a few features frustrating.
Garageband disadvantages
- Pausing recording. To pause you click the play button again this then creates a gap until the end of the measure. If you then record again it makes another section. You can join these two sections together but this is extra effort.
- Recording in correct track. I'm very often recording in the wrong track. I'm getting better about this. I would select a time within a track and think that would switch me to the instrument that is in that row.
- It would be nice if you could use metronome without recording.
- With Garageband muting and soloing tracks seems more difficult than it should be. Solo isn't really solo. When a solo is added then all other solo buttons are kept- it functions like a checkbox rather than a radio button. The mute button already functions like a checkbox.
- Adjusting for people's timing and tone problems- Due to my tin ear I'm having some trouble with detecting the changes in tone but it is very clear how it can moves songs toward the beat.
- Monitor works correctly- I haven't gotten the monitor function working with Audacity.
- Tuning feature- Tuning feature is useful for quickly figuring out what note you are playing.
- There is quite a bit of background hiss that I need to find the source of.
- There are bad sounds with my 't's and 's's
- When I tune the guitar the strings are often sharp. I thought that strings over time, unless they are tightened, strings only went down in pitch.
- I wasn't sure how many beats/min to say the song was. I was able to use Metrognome to tap it out.
- There are two disadvantes to the in-ear headphones I'm using. A lot of the original sound come through so it is harder to get an accurate picture of what recording will sound like. Also some sound escapes the headphones and is picked-up during recordings.
Posted by Geef at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Behringer uB502
- Simplicity- Having one less cord would simplify this setup.
- Power- Since its bus-powered it would not use electricity when not in use. Behringer doesn't even have power/switch.
- Portability- The total weight including the powerbrick is probably quite a bit more.
- Multi-track- so possible to record two separate tracks at once and have two tracks go into computer.
- Sound isolation- no interference from laptop.
- Quality- m-audio's sound processing is no doubt better than the laptop's.
Posted by Geef at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Sound recording
After fixing three problems, I got my computer to record yesterday. I'm using a Behringer UB502 mixer with a Sennheiser e825s microphone. The tape outs don't work using outputs from the mainline fixed this. I had to change the sound input in system preferences. Because Audacity only showed one option for sound input this made me forget about other options. Finally the gain had to be turned up quite high.
I kind of expected there would be that microphone hum but there is really no sound when I'm not speaking.
I'm dealing with a mess of wires.
I'm still using Audacity to record. Their webpages have a good amount of general recording advice they also suggest Shure microphones such as the sm57 and sm58.
Shure's website has much more support for users
Audacity made the most sense for crappy recordings since it was so light weight.
I haven't tried Garageband again yet. But I may continue to use Audacity unless I find the UI confusing.
Bugs- The mac install is poor. The help file doesn't install. Also the folders are packaged outside of the app. This means I created a new folder somewhere in the applications subtree to house everything instead of in the main folder.
Metrognome is the best of the metronome programs I downloaded. It does sound like the beta version of audacity has a click track. Might be cool to see how the clicks match with my sounds in the waveform.
Posted by Geef at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 09, 2006
Is search making organizational document editors obsolete?
I was looking at Notational Velocity and thinking about looking at Voodoo pad but I'm wondering if search has made these irrelevant. I think it is still relevant on the web because you don't know what is available. If I wrote it though I know it exists even if I don't remember what I thought about it or where it is.
Posted by Geef at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Cable reception problem
We have cable so it seemed odd that we would have a reception problem and what was even more odd was that it only affected the network channels. Since the signals all came from the source I couldn't understand it.
It turns out the problem came from having the ethernet cable box next to the cable line. I still don't know why it only affected the networks.
Posted by Geef at 8:19 PM 0 comments
RSS on Firefox
It would be nice if I could get an RSS reader in Firefox. Using Vienna is nice but since I end up wanting to browse in Firefox it feels like I'm interrupting my train of thought if I go through all of the rss and then go through the windows in Firefox. Switching back and forth between each is even worse.
Also having two less icons showing up in my crowded dock would be nice.
Still Wizz is not good because it doesn't give short descriptions or have a preview pane.
Vienna does sync well with Safari but if you use Safari you already have a good integrated RSS reader.
Posted by Geef at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I want to restrict my internet access
I want to restrict my internet access to an hour a day and still retain the admin rights to my com puter. Is this possible?
Posted by Geef at 6:20 AM 0 comments